Human Rights and Childbirth: the mother, the baby and the carer
So much attention has been given to this topic in the midwifery world recently, due to the dreadful situation in Hungary with Agnes Gereb. And of course there is much concern about the future of Independent Midwifery in the UK.
Across the water in the Netherlands where my son and grandchildren live, a group of activist are rallying experts to debate the issue of women's choice in place of birth. The group have organised a unique conference at the end of the month in the Hague, and a webinar that will be LIVE streamed and available for 30 days following the conference. This webinar is being offered at a discounted rate if you book via the discount code detailed below.
The organisers are a small group of dedicated volunteers and have been working hard to get the conference funded and ready in time. They are happy to report that the conference is going ahead, although it has been on a shoestring budget. The line up of panelist is impressive; a team of international voices to help move the subject of human rights in childbirth from theory to reality. The conference will be a platform to explore the practical aspects of human rights in 21st century healthcare systems, and how those systems can both maximize safety and respect the dignity of the women they support.
For details please visit the website:
The organisers want the conference to be accessible for my contacts, and they have negotiated a special price for you to join this important event!
Regular Price: €175 inclusive the pre-conference publication. Special Price for Sheena Byrom's community: €75 pre-conference publication not included.
How to get this special price:
1. Go to the Registration Form: Registration Page
2. Fill in the registration form and select the webinar (you will see the regular prices but don’t worry you will get your discount!), in the field “How did you learn about the conference? *” fill in "Catching Babies Discount"
I think this is an amazing offer; by engaging with this event you will have the potential to influence global change in maternity care, through increased knowledge.
Congratulation to my colleagues in the Netherlands for their hard work and dedication in making this possible.