My name is Carmel and I’ve been a practising midwife for 19 years. I am writing you a personal message as feel compelled to tell you that yourself and The Practising Midwife journal and your books have kept me centred and focused during yet another rocky path in my midwifery career. I have suffered burnout before but this time felt different more pivotal in making big decisions. I was contemplating leaving midwifery but you have helped me see the light. A burning light that shines inside me to continue on my midwifery was just about to go out but through discovery of inspirational leaders in midwifery and women’s health ...its starting to shine again. I am leaving my old Trust (maternity service) of 17 years and starting in a new one where they are starting to role out team midwifery once more...I am feeling hopeful and positive for my future and again want to thank you and let you know how important you have been to me.
Sending love and light to you always xxx
Carmel Hughes
“I have known Sheena for more than 15 years. She has contributed to a number of RCM activities and projects as well as being a prominent member of the RCM consultant midwives’ group. I have come to rely on her as someone with sound professional views and a strong commitment to getting things right for women and their families. She possesses extensive knowledge and understanding of maternity services and has an ability to develop a wide range of novel options for any situation.
Sheena is an excellent communicator and as an early and committed adopter of social media, has a huge range of followers in the UK and overseas.”
“Sheena is a sheer force of nature. Her combination of wit, warmth and wisdom is utterly unique. Driven by a clear passion to improve women’s birth experiences - and the lives of all midwives - she is perfectly placed to make changes, increase understanding and spread positivity around birth. Sheena Byrom Gets.Things. Done. And I love her for that.”
“I have known Sheena Byrom for over 10 years and have been aware of her major contribution to midwifery and maternity care locally, nationally and more recently in an international context. Her varied and valuable experience as a midwife, in practice and management within the UK health service, provides a robust platform for the work she now carries out in promotion of good practice, innovation and excellent leadership within her own profession and related spheres. Sheena has a talent for communication which she uses widely in social media, thoughtfully in written material and warmly in personal relationships. She is enormously appreciated by the student midwife community as her talks are knowledgeable, direct, accessible and inspiring. Her work for the International Confederation of Midwives during their Congress in 2014 demonstrated a further understanding of how to convey messages effectively to an audience from across the world, many based in countries with a radically different healthcare context. Finally, she has recently taken on the role of chair of trustees at the Iolanthe Midwifery Trust, a long-established UK charity that supports midwives and students financially in their projects and study, and is an active and enthusiastic leader.”
Hull University midwifery society decided to hold a study day titled ‘Active Birth: Freedom to Move’ on Friday 27th March 2015. I had previously seen Sheena present at the Royal College of Midwives annual student conference (Telford) and the Physiological Birth: Promoting Normality conference (London). Sheena’s vast experience, knowledge and excellent presentation style led me to approach her to enquire if she would like to present at the society’s study day as I felt she would make a significant contribution to the day.
Sheena responded to my email almost immediately to confirm her attendance at the day and was very responsive, via email, in the organisation of the event and run-up to the day. Sheena’s presentation (“Flower Gardens and Brick Walls: The Art of Possibility”), using innovative software, was thoroughly engaging, inspirational and provided a very honest account of her experiences throughout her midwifery career.
The majority of the feedback forms from the day commented on how much they enjoyed Sheena’s presentation and how it has inspired them in their own midwifery career. Below are just some of the comments received:
‘Sheena made me feel empowered and I can use the information in practice’
‘Sheena’s talk was extremely positive and encouraging’
‘Sheena was a very inspiring speaker and all of the content was interesting and useful’
‘Sheena was very inspirational and encouraging’
‘Sheena was just amazing – really enthusiastic and motivating’
I would wholeheartedly recommend Sheena to present or provide input to any midwifery event and would not hesitate in using her again at future study days.
- Joanna Riley-Simkiss
President Hull University Midwifery Society
"Sheena Byrom is an inspiration. I never cease to be impressed by her seemingly limitless energy and passion when it comes to improving birth. Day or night, she seems to always be available and full of suggestions, ideas, contacts or just sheer passion for whatever situation or problem you present her with. Her support for the Positive Birth Movement has been amazing. We love you Sheena Byrom!"
-Milli Hill
Click HERE for feedback from delegates attending the Physiological Birth: promoting normality conference at St. Georges Hospital in Tootling, London, that I chaired in 2014.
Feedback from talk I gave in November 2015, to Supervisors of Midwives, at the London LSA conference. Click HERE.