Men, Love & Birth: 'being present'
This book, Men, Love & Birth is out this Spring, and is eagerly awaited by many of us! Here I've actually interviewed the author-midwife extraordinaire, Mark Harris! Hope you enjoy it...please leave comments for Mark at the end of the post...
Hi Mark! We’ve never met in real life; I’ve only read about you, and your brilliant reputation as a midwife and speaker. We've connected via Twitter, and when you told me that you were writing a book, I was delighted for you. What a privilege to interview you for my blog site...thanks for agreeing! And this is the first time I've used audio, so I really welcome your input-let's see!
[These are the questions I proposed to Mark, and he recorded himself answering them...see the clip below]
Can you introduce yourself, and tell us about what you do?
I know that you are a father and grandfather. Does this influence your work at all?
Denis Walsh once told me that after he studied feminism, he change his opinion slightly on male midwives. What are your thoughts on male midwifery? It would be great to have your perspective.
Do you feel that fathers engage with you differently, being the same sex? Also, during your work, do you get any feedback from how dads about their experiences of the birth of their baby?
Mark, what are your thoughts about the publication of the new NICE intrapartum care guidance, in relation to recommendations on place of birth?
What are the three highlights of your health service career Mark ?
I know that you are currently writing a book, and that it’s due to be published early next year! Wow. How exciting. Can you tell us a little bit about it?
And lastly, if you could change one thing, anything, in maternity services, what would it be?
'If I could change one thing is maternity service I'd want the ratio of midwives to match the population of women giving birth to be one to one.
The role of 'being with' women as support of and pointer to her inner power to birth amazingly takes attention and 'un rushed' time, waiting, watching connecting to the emerging family she is being privileged to meet.
It's very challenging to offer this type of care to more than one woman at a time, regardless of how complex or not their needs area....'
Wow. Thank you so much Mark for the insight into your thoughts on your career, midwifery, 'being present', men and birth, and feminism! I feel like I know you already, and so look forward to meeting you this year.
Good luck with your book!
You can follow Mark on Twitter @Birthing4Blokes